Mohammad Sayeh
The residue number system and applications
4 May 2017
Jerzy Kocik
From circles to gears and back again
-- on Stern-Brocot trees, Apollonian crowns, and related wonders
(with Zeta function in the background).
27 Apr 2017
Shajesh Kuloth
Divergence theorem across delta-functions
13, 19 Apr 2017
Zeid Ghalyoun
A Primer on Eisenstein Series (two parts)
30 Mar, 6 Apr 2017
Mohammad Sayeh
Optimization with Collective Neurons
(see also Hopfield's ealy work: 1982Hopfield , 1984Hopfield, 1985Hopfield, 1986Hopfield .
23 Feb and 3, 8, 22 Mar 2017
Borzu Toloui
Game Theory and Quantum Mechanics: Deriving the Born Rule (4 parts)
Below are the links for the references once again.
- Deutsch's original paper of 1999:
- A more extensive study of the decision theoretic result and its philosophical implications:
- The constructor theory version of it that incorporates the result in the new approach to physics that is being developed:
- On the problem of testing physical theories, especially different versions of quantum theory:
- And finally, here are a set of video lectures by Deutsch on quantum mechanics and quantum computing:
- On You Tube (lower quality):
2, 9, 15 Feb 2017
John Mcsorley
Gentle introduction to Game Theory (3 parts)
26 Jan 2017
Jerzy Kocik
Chebyshev, Lucas and Fibonacci polynomials by matrices
19 Jan 2017
Just coffee and gossip