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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lakshika: quadratic forms

Pythagorean triples, Wikipedia
1 and 8 Nov 2018

Lakshika Gunawardana 
Quadratic forms and representations
Part 1 1nd 2

Here are some universal forms from Lakshika (click to display).

(Recall that the quadruple in bold letters turned out to be false)

And here is the Plimpton 322 with Pythagorean triples.  Written about 1800 BCE.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

John: sequential covering designs

18 and 25 October

John McSorley
What is a sequential covering design?  Come and find out...

Part 1 and 2

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Quaternions: 175th anniversary

175th anniversary
of discovery* of quaternions 

i2 = j2 = k2 = -1

16 October 1843
Brougham Bridge, Dublin
William Rowan Hamilton

We celebrated appropriately the event by consuming a large amount of pizza prepared for us by Quatros
(Nomen-omen -- as noticed by Mohammad S.)

*) If you think "discovery" should be replaced by "invention" or else  -- please feel free to argue in the comments section.

After party...