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Monday, June 22, 2020

Mathematical Summer Conversations 6

25 June 2020

Robert Owczarek
Kauffman,  Chebyshev, Fibonacci, Lucas


Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Mathematical Summer Conversations 4

Eugène Charles Catalan
11 June 2020

Philip Feinsilver

Factorials, Catalan's, Krawtchouk's

Suggested pre-presentation reading

Friday, May 29, 2020

Mathematical Summer Conversations 3

4 June 2020

Hanna Makaruk
Uncertainty about Uncertainty
Hanna's talk  (pdf slides)

Hanna's email:  <>
She invites comments, questions, and suggestions.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mathematical Summer Conversations 2

Click on the image to enlarge
28 May 2020
Borzu Toloui 
A short introduction to Constructor TheoryA new mode of explanation in physics and beyond

If you are interested, please send your questions to Borzu or me, or add them to the comments area.  We will ask Borzu for another Q&A session in the near future.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mathematical Summer Conversations

21 May 2020
John McSorley
Combinatorial miscellanea and gossip

Here is the PDF of the talk.

Recording:  1. The first 2 min.  2. The main body, 50 min.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


14 May, 2020 

Philip Feinsilver

Secret passage through Lie algebras, recurrences, and polynomials

Monday, May 4, 2020


6 May 2020

Mohammad Sayeh

Slow light  (photons calmed)


Two papers (click): 

And the book suggested by Mohammad:  "Fast Light, Slow Light and Left-Handed Light" by P W Milonni, 2005.  [AmazonPDF]

In comments use dollar signs and latex to get math formating.  For instance \frac{7}{3}=\det\begin{bmatrix}a&b\\ c&d\end{bmatrix}.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Interlude 2

On the brighter note, here are books that some of our participants might find interesting and that Springer kindly allows you to download as a part of covid-19 "relieve":

    For more, see here

    Tuesday, April 28, 2020


    30 April 2020

    William Holt

    Origami, math between the sheets (of paper)

    Recording (59 min).

    William goes over a number of things, which include his method of folding paper into n equal sections for arbitrary n.  

    Sunday, April 26, 2020


    Two items:

    The text Christian Rose mentioned (and currently reads) can be downloaded here.   (It contains a nice chapter on math of lattices.)    See also the lectures recorded at Oxford Thanks, Christian.

    The lectures on Knot Theory started.  Here are recordings of the first four:
    Lecture 1 (Roger Fenn)
    Lecture 2 (Louis Kauffman)
    Lecture 3  (Roger Fenn)
    Lecture 4  (Louis Kauffman)
    Lecture 5  (Roger Fenn, 1 May)

    Yous probably remember Louis from his visits at Carbondale.

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    negative mass

    Click on the image to see details

    23 April 2020

    Moses Gaither-Ganim

    Minus matter: the possibility of negative mass

    [Recording] - the first few minutes are missing, but can easily be reconstructed from the whiteboard.