22 Oct 2020
Jerzy Kocik
Quaternions and Alice in Wonderland
16 October was an anniversary of the discovery of quaternions. In celebration, let's have a rather informal conversation if quaternions indeed motivated Lewis Carroll tow describe the infamous 6 o'clock mad tea-party. For your convenience some material:
- Mad Tea Party -- Chapter VII of Carroll's book (must read! Just a few pages)
- Devlin's blog describing the claim (here is the extracted text)
- Bayley's text of 2009 (the origin of the claim), 6 pages
- Helena Pycior 1984 (the ultimate origin?), 22 pages
- The whole Carroll's text (if you want to recall it): Adobe or here.
- Kalpa is sharing a book "Quaternion Fourier Transforms for Signal and Image Processing". He comments: First two chapters are easy to follow. Applications start from Chapter 4